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Over the last decade, the global economic and strategic balance has been shifting eastwards. Asia is the largest and the most populous continent, with China and India alone already accounting for one-third of the global population. Asia is home to some of the world’s most dynamic and fastest growing economies, but also to some most complex security hotspots. From tensions on the Korean Peninsula to maritime territorial disputes in the East and South China Seas, there are a number of issues which have the potential to spark more serious conflict. The rise of China is affecting the balance of power in the region, and has resulted in increased competition with the US for influence. This is also increasingly visible in the Indian Ocean, which has become a new theatre of strategic competition between China and India. While there are various multilateral cooperative mechanisms in the region, such as the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) or the East Asia Summit, their capacity to address such security issues remains limited.

As a key trading partner of many Asian economies, the EU has a major stake in regional stability, as well as in the security of its Sea Lanes of Communication. Since announcing its ‘pivot to Asia’ in 2012, Brussels has been trying to step up its security role in Asia by boosting cooperation with its various Strategic Partners, as well as through existing multilateral fora. The EUISS has been working to support these efforts by providing relevant expertise and analysis and conducting research in domains that have the potential to enhance regional stability and raise the EU’s security profile. Key areas of focus are maritime security and governance, preventive diplomacy, confidence and capacity building, crisis prevention, multilateralism, regional integration and institution building.


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    31July 2018

    Gwadar port is a flagship project of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The construction of the port near the Gulf of Hormuz gives China access to the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. This Brief argues that the geostrategic dimension of the project far outweighs its economic potential, and that this will likely affect the regional balance of power. 

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    26June 2018

    The Yearbook of European Security (YES) is the Institute’s annual publication compiling key information and data related to the CFSP and CSDP in 2017. YES 2018 provides an account of the EU’s engagement with the world through evidence-based, data-rich chapters.

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    18April 2018

    The first in the EUISS series ‘Along the road’, which will examine the security implications of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), this Brief looks at how the debt trap Sri Lanka found itself in may provide some useful lessons learned. What are the domestic and regional impacts of Beijing’s large-scale investments in the island nation?

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    15March 2018

    This Brief sets the stage for an upcoming EUISS series entitled 'Along the road', which will examine the security implications of China’s Belt and Road (BRI) connectivity project. Through a collection of case studies from infrastructure projects and countries situated ‘Along the road’, this series will seek to gather concrete evidence of the success or failure of Beijing’s new geopolitical project. 

  • 26January 2018

    On 26 January 2018, the EUISS organised a public conference to present a report on Chinese and Russian defence industries and to discuss the issue of European arms exports to Asia.

  • 25January 2018

    On Thursday 25 January, the CSCAP EU Committee convened for its fifth annual meeting in Brussels. The Committee held a workshop on arms exports, defence markets, and new dynamics in EU-Asia relations.

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    06December 2017

    This Report turns the spotlight on two major players in the global defence industry: Russia and China. It examines how both countries, however different in their trajectory and ambition, have in recent years narrowed the industrial and technological gap with the European armaments sector and are now openly chal­lenging the West’s traditional superiority in this domain.

  • 22November 2017

    The EUISS, the Centre for Internet & Society and the EU Delegation to India and Bhutan invited members of civil society to exchange views on cybersecurity capacity building in New Delhi.

  • 21September 2017

    The EUISS and the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) held the 4th EU-ROK Strategic Dialogue on 21 September in Brussels.

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    19July 2017

    This Alert focuses on the new South Korean President's efforts to pursue a policy of re-engagement with Pyongyang, and assesses to what extent this approach has chances of success, given the paucity of other diplomatic options.



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    13May 2016

    The international community continues to put pressure on Pyongyang with the aim of quickly restarting the negotiations over the DPRK's nuclear agenda. Whether or not sanctions will succeed, however, depends on how well the restrictions are implemented.

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    13May 2016

    Until now, Chinese and Australian cooperation has largely been a mutually beneficial economic endeavour. However, the nature of this partnership is changing as China rises on the global stage. What do policymakers in Canberra hope for? And what do they fear?

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    01April 2016

    China’s army-centric military structure – based on a 1950’s Soviet model – had long mismatched the country’s status as world’s second largest economy. This Alert looks at how the push for military reforms reflects Beijing’s changing domestic and regional priorities.

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    01April 2016

    Beyond the exchange of raw materials for manufactured goods, China’s and India’s relations with the African continent are slowly gaining traction, particularly in the security sphere. But upholding relations with heavyweight OECD partners like the EU remains fundamental for Africa’s economic diversification, as well as democratic consolidation.

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    30March 2016

    This Brief assesses India’s hegemonic role in its immediate neighbourhood. Can New Delhi assuage worries of its neighbours about its dominance? And what steps have been taken by Prime Minister Modi towards greater regional integration?

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    12February 2016

    This Alert examines the speeches and public declarations of new President Tsai Ing-wen following the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) 2016 electoral victory, in the bid to discern Taiwan’s upcoming domestic and foreign policy orientations.

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    14January 2016

    The EU is the largest contributor to the ASEAN Secretariat and the bi-regional relationship now goes beyond trade and institutional capacity-building. As a result, forging a more institutionalised EU-ASEAN ‘strategic partnership’ in 2016 appears not only the easiest, but also the most logical choice for both parties.

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    14January 2016

    China’s global activism is reaching new heights under President Xi Jinping’s leadership. Beijing is hoping to exert itself as a new multilateral leader by venturing into previously unchartered realms such as cybersecurity. The question is, how will China pursue its new ambitions?

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    07October 2015

    This Alert examines China’s elaborate celebrations marking the 70th anniversary of its victory in the Pacific War. What do they reveal about Beijing’s military priorities? And perhaps more importantly, what do they indicate about the country’s domestic politics?

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    24July 2015

    Beijing's foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific is based on the firm belief that its economic weight will eventually convert into political and strategic clout. This Alert examines how the creation of regional and global institutions has become a key objective to support this strategy.



  • 19September 2010

    Against the background of China’s ascent as a major economic power, this Chaillot Paper offers a unique overview of the debates on foreign policy that have taken place in China over the past decade. It analyses the main trends in the domestic strategic debate and the extent to which they are likely to shape China’s role in the international arena.

  • 08October 2009

    The inaugural India-European Union Forum on Effective Multilateralism on 8-9 October 2009 in New Delhi gathered Indian and European thinkers and policymakers in a series of debates on how an EU-India strategic partnership based on effective multilateralism can work towards solutions to global problems such as climate change, the financial crisis, and terrorism.

  • 04May 2009

    The EUISS brought together experts and officials from countries neighbouring Afghanistan, as well as from Turkey, India, China and the EU, in order to analyse prospects for a genuine regional strategy to stabilise Afghanistan.

  • 24September 2007

    The EUISS and the Asia Centre co-hosted the second Sino-European dialogue on security which focused on crisis prevention and crisis management, non-proliferation in the Korean Peninsula, promotion of stability in Africa, and the transparency of EU and Chinese defence policies.

  • 03March 2006

    In response to the growing interest in Chinese affairs and the manifest uncertainty in the EU about how to approach this new emerging superpower, the EUISS organised on 3 March 2006 a brainstorming seminar dedicated to the development of European security thinking on China.
