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Showing 1-10 of 415 results

The cybridisation of EU defence

27 September 2017

This Alert explains the importance of the defence dimensions of Europe's cyber security efforts. In addition to exercises and training, the Union is now increasingly in a position to financially invest in cyber defence.

Minilateralism and norms in cyberspace

27 September 2017

After the recent failure of UN-sponsored talks, a vigorous debate has taken place about the way to advance discussions over the rules governing state behaviour in cyberspace. What are the merits and pitfalls of alternative approaches? And how can different tracks be strategically intertwined?

DPRK: game, reset and match?

19 July 2017

This Alert focuses on the new South Korean President's efforts to pursue a policy of re-engagement with Pyongyang, and assesses to what extent this approach has chances of success, given the paucity of other diplomatic options.

Balkan corruption: the China connection

18 July 2017

This Alert examines how Chinese-financed infrastructure projects in the Western Balkans often serve as a conduit for China’s political and normative influence, exacerbating both the high levels of corruption and governance problems that exist in the region.

Cuba and Trump: the power of symbols

05 July 2017

This Alert explores the implications of President Trump’s decision to roll back on the previous administration’s opening to Cuba and stresses that, even if the US returns to a hostile attitude, it is in the EU’s best interest to continue with its policy o

Africa goes digital: where and how?

29 June 2017

This Alert looks at the impact of the ICT on sub-Sharan Africa’s political culture and civil society development. It identifies how various ICT solutions are influencing a number of realms, as well the structural and social limitations to using and spreading ICT tools on the continent.

Gulf of Guinea: pirates and other tales

29 June 2017

Threats to maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea range from piracy, armed robbery and oil theft to illegal fishing and trafficking in illicit goods. Their impact on economic development, human and food security is not to be taken lightly.

Burundi blues: the road to violence & back

29 June 2017

In 2015, Burundi witnessed political unrest and bloodshed not seen since the end of its civil war. Although political repression has since suppressed dissent, how can the international community – and especially the EU – prepare for an eventual return to violence?

Illiberalism in the Western Balkans?

14 June 2017

This Alert examines recent negative political developments in the Western Balkans, against the backdrop of a worrying drift towards illiberal authoritarianism in countries of the region. It argues that if local political actors do not take tangible steps towards reform to address the ongoing illiberal trends, political instability could re-emerge once again in the region.
