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Over the last decade, the global economic and strategic balance has been shifting eastwards. Asia is the largest and the most populous continent, with China and India alone already accounting for one-third of the global population. Asia is home to some of the world’s most dynamic and fastest growing economies, but also to some most complex security hotspots. From tensions on the Korean Peninsula to maritime territorial disputes in the East and South China Seas, there are a number of issues which have the potential to spark more serious conflict. The rise of China is affecting the balance of power in the region, and has resulted in increased competition with the US for influence. This is also increasingly visible in the Indian Ocean, which has become a new theatre of strategic competition between China and India. While there are various multilateral cooperative mechanisms in the region, such as the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) or the East Asia Summit, their capacity to address such security issues remains limited.

As a key trading partner of many Asian economies, the EU has a major stake in regional stability, as well as in the security of its Sea Lanes of Communication. Since announcing its ‘pivot to Asia’ in 2012, Brussels has been trying to step up its security role in Asia by boosting cooperation with its various Strategic Partners, as well as through existing multilateral fora. The EUISS has been working to support these efforts by providing relevant expertise and analysis and conducting research in domains that have the potential to enhance regional stability and raise the EU’s security profile. Key areas of focus are maritime security and governance, preventive diplomacy, confidence and capacity building, crisis prevention, multilateralism, regional integration and institution building.


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    12July 2012

    As many European governments introduce their biggest defence budget cuts in years, the impact on their collective military capabilities may be lessened by exploiting two directives designed to integrate the EU defence market.

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    27June 2012

    This Occasional Paper examines one of the ‘forgotten conflicts’, between the ‘Moros’ and the Philippine State, highlighting the EU's gradual move from the humanitarian and development arena towards a more explicitly political role in the peace process, in close cooperation with its Member States and with European NGOs.

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    15June 2012

    Considering its linkages with various areas such as energy security, economic growth and diplomacy, climate change is a major ‘game-changer’ in international relations. The development of the climate change regime presents the EU with both an opportunity and a threat, in as much as it may either accelerate Europe’s decline as a foreign policy actor or, on the contrary, reinvigorate its diplomatic ambitions.

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    13June 2012

    US-Pakistan relations are at an all time low, something not helped by the US encouragement of Pakistan's arch-rival India to play a more robust role in Afghanistan. Yet as Gerald Stang explains, with tact and patience a convergence of US-Pakistan interests is quite possible.

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    12June 2012

    For the moment, the US presence in the Asia Pacific region provi­des regional and extra-regional actors, including the EU, with security and stability that enable free naviga­tion, trade flows, peaceful development, and avoidance of violent conflicts or confrontations. But how can the EU assume a more active and strategic role in the region?

  • 11June 2012

    The US Task Force 2012 explored the possibilities for developing a more strategic EU involvement in Asia and displayed how effective dialogue with the US on economic, security and governence issues in Asia can constitute one of the crucial elements in efforts to strengthen the EU-US strategic partnership.

  • 21May 2012

    This seminar organised jointly by the EUISS and the American National Intelligence Council (NIC) brought together scholars, experts, and civil society leaders from Pakistan, Europe and the United States to discuss the future of Pakistan.

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    19January 2012

    The recent events in Myanmar (Burma), beginning with the November 2010 elections and the following series of reforms, have taken Europe by surprise, and, to say it bluntly, they have been an embarrassing surprise. Myanmar’s first elections in 20 years have drawn the usual criticism from  Europe, fearing ’an attempt to consolidate authoritarian military rule in a civilian guise’. Could it have been otherwise?

    A conservative motto

  • 27September 2011

    The annual India-EU Forum on Effective Multilateralism took place in New Delhi on 27 and 28 September 2011. The event was organised by the EUISS, the Indian Council for World Affairs (ICWA) of the Indian Ministry of External Relations and the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM).

  • 21July 2011

    The role the EU and China can have in supporting new governments emerging in the Arab world, global governance and nuclear non-proliferation were all subjects addressed at this workshop held at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations in Beijing.
