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Transatlantic strategies in the Asia Pacific

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In today’s world, the Asia Pacific region is a hub of glo­bal economic development and prosperity. Two thirds of the world’s trade takes place within this area, ma­king trade flows in the region of crucial importance. For the moment, the US presence in the region provi­des regional and extra-regional actors, including the EU, with security and stability that enable free naviga­tion, trade flows, peaceful development, and avoidance of violent conflicts or confrontations. Dialogue with the US on many of these issues might constitute one of the crucial elements in strengthening the EU-US stra­tegic partnership. However, the increasing US interest in strengthening European involvement in the region might be an indication that the time may have come to ‘split the bill’. The question that arises, therefore, is the following: how can the EU assume a more active and strategic role in the region?