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Showing 51-60 of 196 results

Thierry Tardy in Le Monde

17 July 2014

Thierry Tardy was quoted in the article 'Massacre de Srebrenica: la justice reconnaît la faute de l'armée néerlandaise'.
Le Monde

Breaking new ground: EU-US cooperation in crisis management

16 May 2014

With EU and US cooperation in crisis management going from strength to strength – particularly on the African continent – this Brief provides an overview of the successes to date, and displays how the evolution of the Union’s CSDP is allowing for a stronger transatlantic partnership in the realm of international security.

Protéger les civils : mission impossible ?

13 February 2014

Le déploiement prochain d’une mission EUFOR en RCA aura comme objectif la protection des populations civiles. Ce mandat est-il réaliste, et quelles leçons peut-on tirer d’opérations dans le passé ayant eu des mandats similaires ?

Peacebuilding in 3D: EU and US approaches

19 December 2013

This Chaillot Paper examines the concept of peacebuilding and the emergence in recent years of a comprehensive approach to conflict management that combines both civilian and military instruments. It highlights the importance of peacebuilding as a foreign policy goal and analyses US and EU approaches to the issue, focusing on the likely future trajectory of transatlantic cooperation in this area.

Mali, Centrafrique : les contours d’une réponse multiforme

06 December 2013

L’envoi de troupes françaises en République centrafricaine est une étape d’une approche qui rappelle celle gouvernant la gestion de la crise malienne. Mais les parallèles entre ces deux processus soulignent certaines difficultés, notamment les relations difficiles entre organisations régionales et sous-régionales, les carences de l’approche régionale et la faiblesse des acteurs africains. Quelles solutions existe-t-il, et l’UE est-elle en mesure d’apporter des solutions?

Crowd-sourcing – crisis response in the digital age

29 November 2013

Making use of all available resources is of paramount importance to mitigate the social and economic costs of humanitarian and natural disasters. This alert examines how information and communication technologies, coupled with crowd-sourcing – the practice of obtaining information, ideas and services from large (often online) groups of people – are increasingly proving to be valuable tools in tackling some of the key challenges in such situations.

BRICS – the next layer

29 November 2013

As some of the BRICS countries – heralded at the turn of the millennium as the new drivers of the global economy – experience declining growth, this alert examines who might replace (or integrate) the BRICS as the motor of future dynamism in the world economy as well as in the geopolitical arena.

BRICS – what’s in a name?

29 November 2013

This brief analyses what impact the five BRICS countries are likely to have in global politics in the years to come, and what future trajectory the grouping might take. The BRICS ‘club’ may or may not last – in its present or another formation – but its rise is a wake-up call for the EU to deepen its bilateral relations with individual BRICS and possibly reconsider its own position in the emerging system of global governance.

Funding peace operations: better value for EU money

08 November 2013

This Brief examines the question of EU funding for peace operations. It highlights the fact that, despite being a major financial contributor to a large number of peace operations, under current conditions the EU does not wield political influence commensurate with its financial engagement.
