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Showing 1-10 of 100 results

The EU's and China's institutional diplomacy in the field of climate change

15 June 2012

Considering its linkages with various areas such as energy security, economic growth and diplomacy, climate change is a major ‘game-changer’ in international relations. The development of the climate change regime presents the EU with both an opportunity and a threat, in as much as it may either accelerate Europe’s decline as a foreign policy actor or, on the contrary, reinvigorate its diplomatic ambitions.

L'investissement de l'UE dans la sécurité collective en Afrique centrale : un pari risqué

15 May 2012

L’interrogation à laquelle tente de répondre la présente étude est de savoir si l’investissement de l’UE dans la CEEAC en tant qu’acteur de sécurité collective en Afrique centrale se justifie. Le constat, il faut le regretter, n’est pas encourageant. Intervenant sur un milieu il est vrai peu porteur, l’UE ne s’est pas donné les moyens des fins affichées.

Interparliamentary scrutiny of the CFSP: avenues for the future

26 October 2011

The Lisbon Treaty opens up the possibility of giving fresh impetus to interparliamentary cooperation in the field of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). Staunch parliamentary support is essential if a strong Europe that speaks with one voice and pursues a common foreign policy is to emerge. All of the EU Member States are aware that this is the case and share this goal, as this paper demonstrates.

The role of EU defence policy in the Eastern neighbourhood

11 May 2011

While the current focus of EU foreign policy is firmly trained on its southern neighbourhood, this paper explains why the EU should not forget about the long-simmering disputes in its Eastern neighbourhood – disputes which might once again require EU responses in the future.
