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Showing 51-60 of 196 results

Russia’s return to the Middle East: building sandcastles?

31 July 2018

Russia’s political, diplomatic, military and economic footprint in the Middle East and North Africa has expanded visibly over the last decade. This Chaillot Paper provides a detailed account of Russia’s spectacular return to the region.

Dealing with diversity – The EU and Latin America today

04 May 2018

This Chaillot Paper examines the relationship between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). It argues that the original assumptions underpinning EU policy towards the region no longer apply, due in part to the ongoing obstacles to regional integration in LAC.

Third powers in Europe's east

13 March 2018

This Chaillot Paper examines the geopolitical repercussions of the rising presence of third powers in the region, and how the growing constellation of partnerships between the EaP countries and these powers serves a range of strategic purposes for the actors involved.

Nobody move! Myths of the EU migration crisis

13 December 2017

This Chaillot Paper contextualises the dilemmas facing EU policymakers as Europe experienced an unprecedented influx of migrants and refugees in 2015-2016. It examines how the EU’s enlargement, neighbourhood and development policies evolved in response to the migration crisis.

Defence industries in Arab states: players and strategies

22 March 2017

This Chaillot Paper analyses how Arab states strive to achieve strategic, economic and symbolic goals through indigenous armaments production, with some countries in the region showing a new determination to become more self-reliant in this domain. The paper focuses in particular on how efforts undertaken by Arab states to develop national defence technological and industrial bases (DTIBs) entail new relationships with defence suppliers.

China and Russia: an Eastern partnership in the making?

15 February 2017

This Chaillot Paper sets out to evaluate the scope and the actual implementation of the ‘pivot to the East’ announced by Moscow in the wake of its confrontation with the West over Ukraine. The paper highlights the areas of convergence and divergence between Moscow and Beijing, the asymmetries in interests and resources, and their wider implications for Russia’s policy in Asia – thus providing an insightful and balanced assessment of bilateral relations and their ‘systemic’ impact.

Civil-military relations in the MENA: between fragility and resilience

21 October 2016

This Chaillot Paper examines the flaws and failures that have so far impeded a more functional and balanced relationship between civilian and military authorities in the Middle East and North Africa. The paper also highlights the importance of security sector reform (SSR) in consolidating the rule of law and, more generally, sustainable systems of governance.

People on the move – The new global (dis)order

16 June 2016

This Chaillot Paper analyses the factors which have generated the current migration crisis, and emphasises that a balanced policy debate on the challenges and opportunities this phenomenon created by this phenomenon is still lacking. It examines how the devolution of global power means that a new strategy on migration and refugees will need to focus mainly on the world beyond the EU’s borders, providing people with opportunities as close to home as possible.
