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Occasional Papers

Occasional Papers are essays or reports that contribute to the debate on specific issues relevant to European security. They may be based on work carried out by researchers granted awards by the EUISS, on contributions prepared by external experts, and on collective research projects or other activities organised by (or with the support of) the Institute. The Occasional Papers series finished in January 2013 with its 100th publication.

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    09October 2009

    In this paper, the author argues that it is high time for the European Union to adopt a proactive policy of managing the risks of sensitive technology transfer to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). On the basis of a common understanding of the challenges of transferring dual-use technology, economically, politically and security-wise, the European Union can optimise benefits from opportunities available in the promising and technologically rapidly advancing Chinese market.

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    26June 2009

    Giovanni Grevi sketches out a new scenario for the changing international system: the interpolar world. He suggests that the shifts in global power will be shaped by the necessities of increasing interdependence - not least to confront shared challenges, from the economic crisis to climate change, and their political and security implications.

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    01April 2009

    The EU engages in aspects of security sector reform through EUPOL Afghanistan, the police mission launched in 2007, and through the European Commission’s contributions to justice reform in the country. Based on an analysis of past efforts at police reform by the EU and other European and international actors, this paper identifies a set of internal and external coordination challenges that hamper mission success.

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    16March 2009

    This paper looks at the emerging geopolitical situation in the Eurasian coastal zone, concentrating on the geostrategic activities of China, India, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the United States. This zone, it argues, is both critically important for the EU in terms of shipping for manufactured goods and energy supplies, and likely to experience great power competition and general disorder over the coming decades.

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    03February 2009

    During the last few years, African countries have multiplied their efforts at consolidating regional integration and developing common mechanisms for the prevention, management and resolution of conflicts. The African Peace and Security Architecture is an emerging set of norms, structures, capacities and procedures established to help the African Union carry out peace and security tasks. This paper analyses the EU’s support to this security architecture, focusing on financial and training aspects.

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    03January 2009

    Depuis son indépendance en 1955, le Soudan a été presque continuellement le théâtre de conflits sanglants. Si les événements du Darfour ont focalisé l’attention, le sud du pays est également un lieu de tensions entre le gouvernement de Khartoum et le Mouvement populaire de Libération du Soudan (MPLS). Certaines similitudes quant à l’origine des affrontements nous ont conduits à établir une corrélation entre ces deux zones.

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    31December 2008

    This paper examines the proposals on European defence under discussion during the 2008 French EU Presidency. While Americans and Europeans alike support stronger EU-NATO cooperation, the output has so far been unsatisfactory. The paper examines initiatives for a stronger, more unitary European security structure.

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    01November 2008

    Ce document examine les différences culturelles, historiques et conceptuelles qui font de la coopération de sécurité et de défense entre l’Europe et l’Amérique latine un processus complexe. Bien que les deux régions soient hétérogènes, dans un monde de plus en plus interdépendant et multipolaire, une coopération plus étroite est à la fois possible et nécessaire. Il est indispensable pour cela de hiérarchiser les priorités et de dépasser les coopérations ad hoc existantes.

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    01September 2008

    Since its first autonomous military operation in the Congo in 2003, the EU has increased its role in military crisis management around the world. This paper looks at the often disappointing results of EU-UN cooperation, using the example of the EU’s later operation in the Congo in 2006...

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    11June 2008

    Le président algérien Abdelaziz Bouteflika est parvenu à tourner la page de la guerre civile à la faveur de la politique de réconciliation nationale et a été à deux reprises plébiscité pour le choix de la paix. Ce que démontrent les élections législatives est que les électeurs algériens ont tourné cette page. Ils attendent du régime la mise en place d’un agenda politique permettant à l’Algérie d’installer une démocratie, seul moyen de ramener les électeurs vers les partis politiques.
