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As part of its mission to find a common security culture for the EU, to help develop and project the CFSP, and to enrich Europe’s strategic debate, the Institute regularly releases publications on the topics and regions at the core of the Union's work.

The Institute’s flagship publication is its series of Chaillot Papers, which are based on focused, in-depth research. The EUISS also publishes a Yearbook (YES), Reports, and shorter Briefs.

  • 06December 2023
    The number of meetings between Chinese and EU officials has increased significantly recently. On the eve of the EU-China summit, the question must be asked: are these exchanges leading to results? It appears particularly difficult for the EU and China to discuss issues like market access to subsidies, Ukraine and the Middle East, in a constructive way. Why is this and what can be done about it?
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    06December 2023
    This Brief examines the deteriorating security situation in the Sahel. It makes the case that by eliminating a key source of competition between rival factions, a focus on the protection of civilians may help to break the escalating cycle of violence in the region.
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    30November 2023
    Ahead of the Council meeting of 14-15 December where the issue of enlargement will be at the top of the agenda, this Brief analyses the prospects for breaking the political and institutional impasse in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It argues that while the EU cannot fix the structural problems inherent to the Dayton Peace Agreement, it can incentivise enforcement of its provisions until new rules with popular legitimacy are in place.
  • 29November 2023
    The Institute’s new Commentary section, featuring articles by EUISS analysts on topical issues, kicks off with an article by the EUISS director on how the EU should respond to the challenges of an increasingly competitive and transactional international environment.
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    24November 2023
    This Brief explores how countries’ resilience to foreign information manipulation and interference can be measured, focusing specifically on the context of West Africa, a fast-growing region that is experiencing political turmoil and a geopolitical realignment.
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    21November 2023
    Although the bitter and protracted conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh is now over, the risk of further hostilities between Azerbaijan and Armenia remains high. This Brief argues that the EU should seek deeper strategic engagement in the altered geopolitical landscape as Moscow’s ability to influence developments in the region weakens.
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    16November 2023
    Against the backdrop of the biggest rearmament effort in Europe since the 1950s, this Brief examines whether the EU defence industry is as fragmented as is commonly believed. It argues that new EU initiatives should focus on strengthening long-term demand for critical strategic enablers, but also on facilitating competition in defence industrial sectors where possible to promote innovation and cost control.
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    08November 2023
    Mapping the future of the AU-EU partnership

    Africa is experiencing a far-reaching social, economic and demographic transformation, while gaining increasing prominence in global geopolitics. To take account of these changes, this Chaillot Paper sets out to update our ‘mental map’ of the continent and zoom in on the trends and dynamics that are reshaping Africa and thus affecting its relationship with the European Union.

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    08November 2023
    This brief examines how Cyber Influence Operations (CIOs) blend the use of cyber force with strategic interference in the Human Domain. It argues that CIOs are akin to 'dirty bombs' in cyberspace, where their initial 'blast' disrupts infrastructures through cyberattacks before their strategic 'dispersal' targets human perception to reshape narratives and alter the power dynamics of the geopolitical chessboard.
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    23October 2023
    This Brief examines how foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI) represents a challenge to the EU’s global interests and values. Focusing on the Western Balkans and selected African countries – two contexts where the EU’s strategic interests are increasingly at stake due to the growing presence of Russia and China.
