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Showing 41-50 of 622 results

Turning the tide: how to rescue transatlantic relations

22 October 2020

The transatlantic partnership is in crisis (again!). This book offers an overarching view of the major factors, trends and areas that are likely to shape transatlantic relations as the 2020s unfold.

EUISS foresight podcast – Season 2

15 July 2020

The EUISS' ‘What if’ podcast returns for a second season, this time looking at the foreign policy implication of the covid19 crisis.

Uncharted territory? Towards a common threat analysis and a Strategic Compass for EU security and defence

09 July 2020
Despite the direction offered by the EU Global Strategy, there is as yet no common approach to how member state governments understand threats to the EU’s security. Under the new Strategic Compass initiative – designed to provide enhanced politico-strategic direction for EU security and defence – member state governments and institutions will conduct their own threat analysis as a first step in a 2-year process. This Brief examines how a clearer understanding of such threats can help the EU to achieve its level of ambition in this area.

African Strategies

30 June 2020

This Chaillot Paper analyses the evolution of EU member states’ strategies towards sub-Saharan Africa, as well as those of global actors, against the backdrop of systemic changes, including the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic. It seeks to identify the points of convergence – and divergence – in member states’ strategies, and examines how a coherent, joint EU strategy can be achieved.

The CSDP in 2020

31 March 2020
Edited by

This book provides an analytical overview of the key historical CSDP developments and critically appraises the last two decades. A host of leading think tank analysts and a senior EU official look at issues such as institutional design, operations and missions, capabilities, industry and civilian crisis management. 

A blacklist is (almost) born

17 March 2020
In the sanctions practice of the EU, human rights motivations feature prominently, reflecting their centrality to the Union’s foreign policy. This Brief discusses plans to create a new EU sanctions regime addressing gross human rights violations. It examines the various challenges surrounding the initiative and its implementation, and argues that the way forward could be to disaggregate the proposed sanctions regimes into two separate strands: one dealing with breaches of international humanitarian law and a second addressing human rights abuses linked to large-scale transnational corruption.

A stronger Europe in a world of challenges

21 February 2020

The EUISS and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) organised a seminar on the EU’s position in an increasingly challenging international environment.
