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Showing 41-50 of 367 results

Chaillot Paper 173 in Nigrizia

15 March 2022

The Chaillot Paper "African spaces" edited by Giovanni Faleg was quoted in an article about Africa's new geopolitical frontiers. 
Nigrizia (in Italian)

Giovanni Faleg speaks at the European Parliament

10 February 2022

On 10 February 2022, Giovanni Faleg participated to the high-level pre-summit meeting organised by the European Parliament ahead of the African Union-European Union summit.

Is Africa lost in transitions?

25 January 2022

On January 25, the EUISS and the European Council’s Working Party on Africa (COAFR) held their fifteenth meeting to discuss democratic transitions, citizen engagement and peaceful mobilisation in Africa.

What if Africa stops receiving foreign aid?

20 January 2022
Addressing the possibility of declining investments and donor fatigue as a result of Covid-19, the third Brief in the Imagine Africa series explores what would happen if, for the first time in more than 60 years, Africa stops receiving development assistance and foreign investment.

Yana Popkostova at the Dakar Forum

07 December 2021

Yana Popkostova attended the Dakar International Forum on Peace and Security in Africa, where she moderated a workshop on the impact of demography and climate change in the continent.
