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The future of the CWC in the post-destruction phase

27 March 2013

Since the entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) in 1997, much progress has been made in destroying existing stockpiles of chemical weapons. However, the CWC is faced with new threats and challenges due to advances in science and technology and the changing international security, political and economic environment. On the eve of the Third Review Conference of the treaty, this report examines some of the most pressing challenges facing the CWC over the next decade.

Setting a standard for stakeholdership

30 November 2011

The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention will convene in Geneva for the 7th Review Conference between 5-22 December 2011. Because scientific research and the industrial application of this science contain certain inherent dangers, this paper argues that it is imperative that the stakeholders in industry and academia are brought into the BTWC discussions.

Humanitaire et conflits armés. Les défis contemporains

06 June 2011

Ce Report est le fruit d’une première coopération entre le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge et l’IESUE visant à développer des échanges mutuellement bénéfiques entre le CICR, l’Union européenne et d’autres acteurs concernés par des problématiques humanitaires.

European perspectives on the new American foreign policy agenda

20 January 2009

This collaborative effort of the EUISS research team highlights what it considers to be the major political event of 2009: the election of President Barack Obama and the impact that the change in the American administration will have on the world. It covers the priority areas for US-EU cooperation of global governance, climate change, disarmament and non-proliferation, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and transatlantic relations.