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Showing 1-10 of 14 results

The European space sector as an enabler of EU strategic autonomy

16 December 2020

This study looks at the ways in which the European space sector can be an enabler of EU strategic autonomy. It asks how should the EU understand space and strategic autonomy, what has the EU achieved in space and how this has contributed to the EU’s strategic autonomy and what more is needed to enhance it.

European armaments standardisation

06 November 2018

This Study analyses the armaments standardisation approaches of the EU and NATO and it provides an overview of policy initiatives in the domains of maritime information sharing and remotely piloted aircraft systems.

Defence industries in Russia and China: players and strategies

06 December 2017

This Report turns the spotlight on two major players in the global defence industry: Russia and China. It examines how both countries, however different in their trajectory and ambition, have in recent years narrowed the industrial and technological gap with the European armaments sector and are now openly chal­lenging the West’s traditional superiority in this domain.

Report of the Group of Personalities on the Preparatory Action for CSDP-related research

23 February 2016

In 2015, the European Commission invited key personalities from European industry, government, the European Parliament and academia to advise it on establishing a Preparatory Action on Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)-related research. This Report is the result of several months of regular conversation and consultation among a group of experts encompassing the ‘sherpas’, officials from the European Commission and the EUISS.

CSDP between internal constraints and external challenges

06 November 2013

This report is based on a conference on European defence jointly organised by the EUISS and King’s College London in September. It focuses on CSDP with a view to informing official debates leading up to the upcoming European Council meeting in December. In particular, the report stresses the importance of EU member states strengthening their political and financial commitment to CSDP, as well as the key role of the EU institutions in fostering cooperation and coordination.

Enabling the future – European military capabilities 2013-2025: challenges and avenues

06 May 2013

What sort of armed forces are Europeans likely to have (and need) by 2025? How might Europeans better organise themselves to take part in the new global competition for wealth, influence and power? This report seeks to place European military capabilities in a broader perspective and demonstrate how the only way to safeguard common ‘strategic interests’ and counter potential risks is to do more together.
