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Raising awareness of both existing and emerging foreign and security policy challenges facing the European Union, EUISS Briefs provide key information in a concise, focused format.

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    17March 2020
    In the sanctions practice of the EU, human rights motivations feature prominently, reflecting their centrality to the Union’s foreign policy. This Brief discusses plans to create a new EU sanctions regime addressing gross human rights violations. It examines the various challenges surrounding the initiative and its implementation, and argues that the way forward could be to disaggregate the proposed sanctions regimes into two separate strands: one dealing with breaches of international humanitarian law and a second addressing human rights abuses linked to large-scale transnational corruption.
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    11March 2020
    Digital technologies can vastly improve the operational readiness and effectiveness of Europe’s armed forces. As this Brief shows, however, the EU needs to better understand the risks and opportunities involved in the digitalisation of defence and it needs to financially invest in its technological sovereignty.
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    05March 2020
    In the wake of the Artificial Intelligence Strategy unveiled by the US Department of Defense in 2019, this Brief examines the implications of the initiative for Europe and for transatlantic defence cooperation. It argues that Europeans need to develop a strategy for military innovation, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), while the transatlantic partners need to design a common approach to AI governance.
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    28February 2020
    This Brief analyses the peace efforts in Ukraine and argues that it would be in the country’s interest to continue decentralising and strengthening local governance structures, including in the east. But how does Moscow view this?
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    31January 2020
    In the run-up to the 2020 Review Conference of the NPT, this Brief assesses the EU’s record as a non-proliferation actor. In particular it seeks to identify how the EU can rebuild its credibility in this role given the difficulties encountered in obtaining a consensus at the 2015 RevCon. The Brief argues that in order to overcome divisions among a polarised membership, the EU could support the moderate faction promoting the middle ground and develop a modus vivendi with the ‘Ban Treaty’ – the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – with a view to fostering an agenda of gradual progress towards nuclear disarmament.
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    16December 2019
    Maritime security is one of the fundamental strategic interests of the European Union. This Brief focuses on the EU’s ambition to become a maritime security provider in the Indo-Pacific region and explores how might it go about accomplishing this. It shows how a more proactive European involvement in maritime security has the potential to boost ties with Asian countries, promote the Union’s foreign and security objectives in the region and enhance its strategic profile globally.
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    04November 2019
    This Conflict Series Brief focuses on the driving factors of conflict dynamics in Libya and on the shortcomings of the Libya Political Agreement (LPA) in addressing them. It shows how the approach ignored key political actors and realities on the ground from the outset, thereby limiting its impact.
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    08October 2019
    Strengthening the resilience of the Ethiopian state and preventing an escalation of political violence are two policy priorities in view of the 2020 elections. But how can conflict risks be mitigated? And can the ambitious reform agenda be reconciled with concrete local needs and ethnic grievances?
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    25September 2019
    This Brief analyses the recent civil resistance in Sudan, and explores the reasons for the resilience and longevity that have characterised it compared to previous protest movements in the country. In particular, it examines how the events in Sudan demonstrate the potential of strategic non-violence to bring about societal change, even in the face of violent repression. It concludes by outlining three scenarios for the transition process.
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    03September 2019
    The EU increasingly makes use of crisis scenarios to forecast the future and identify capability gaps. This Brief shows how simulations and exercises can only add value to preparedness efforts when they are but one element of a wider crisis response architecture.
