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Prospects for EU-India security cooperation
What common security challenges face the European Union and India, and how can the two regions cooperate to find common solutions? The Observer Research Foundation, the EU Institute for Security Studies, and Chatham House – The Royal Institute of International Affairs, undertook a project to discuss and provide potential policy proposals for India-EU collaboration on three areas of common concern: West Asia (the Middle East), Maritime Security, and Radicalisation/counter-terrorism. This report explores these areas and contains recommendations for the next steps required to reinvigorate the security component of the EU-India Strategic Partnership. The project was generously sponsored by the EU Delegation to India and Bhutan in the context of the ‘EU-India Think Tank Initiative 2016’, implemented by a consortium led by DAI, in cooperation with the European Policy Centre (EPC) and the EU-Asia Centre (EUAC). The final report was launched at an event in Brussels hosted by the Embassy of India to Belgium, Luxembourg and the EU.