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Israel-Palestine: the dispute at a crossroads
Welcome and introduction: Nicole Gnesotto, Director, EUISS
Session I: Following the Israeli and Palestinian elections: what next?
Chair: Nicole Gnesotto, Director, EUISS
Israel E. Altman, Herzliya Center, Kfar-Sava
Hind Khoury, Déléguée Générale de Palestine en France, Paris
Muriel Asseburg, SWP, Berlin
Session II: Structural and contextual factors: understanding the drivers for peace and conflict
Chair: Stefano Silvestri, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome
Nathalie Tocci, European University Institute, Florence
Alvaro de Vasconcelos, Euromesco and IEEI, Lisbon
Session III: The potential role of the European Union
Chair: Martin Ortega, EUISS, Paris
Jochen Möller, Personal Advisor to the EU Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process, Council of the European Union, Brussels
Gerd Nonneman, Lancaster University, Lancaster
Alain Dieckhoff, CERI, Paris