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The EU and the crisis in the Middle East

20 September 2002

A small group of European experts and officials made an assessment of the EU’s involvement in the crisis, compared the positions of the United States, the EU and member states, and proposed ways in which the EU could develop a more assertive policy in the future.

Welcome and opening comments
Nicole Gnesotto (EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris)

Session I: The EU and the Middle East: Assessment
Nicole Gnesotto (ISS-EU, Paris)
Patrick Seale (Writer & Correspondent, Paris)
Muriel Asseburg (SWP, Berlin)
Alvaro Vasconcelos (IEEI, Lisbon)

Session II: States' positions, the EU position: what dynamic?
Lars Faaborg-Andersen (Danish Presidency of the EU, Copenhagen)
Gerd Nonneman (University of Lancaster)
Tim Niblock (Institute for Arab and Islamic Studies, Exeter)
Dominique Moïsi (IFRI, Paris)

Session III: The EU and the Middle East: what options for the future?
Pascal Charlat (Policy Unit, EU Council, Brussels)
Martin Ortega (ISS-EU, Paris)
Alain Dieckhoff (CERI, Paris)
Stefano Silvestri (IAI, Rome)