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CFI at the State of the Union 2024

24 May 2024
Image of panellists © EUI

On 24 May, the CFI project, led by the EUISS, co-organised a panel with the European Media & Information Fund (EMIF) at the State of the Union conference, hosted by the European University Institute in Florence.

Our discussion delved into the critical issue of foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI) targeting EU states through local proxies. We also explored strategies for civil society to build resilience — an especially important topic as we approach the European elections on June 9.

We were honoured to have Věra Jourová, Vice-President for Values and Transparency at the European Commission, deliver the opening remarks alongside Barbara Moens, Chief EU Correspondent at POLITICO.

The panel was co-moderated by Nad'a Kovalcikova, PhD., Senior Analyst and Director of the CFI project and Paolo Cesarini, Programme Director of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) and the EMIF.

Key takeaways from the panel: 

  • The EEAS’s development of the Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) concept addressed a critical gap in a common understanding of the transforming information domain’s threat landscape. FIMI has evolved beyond a communications challenge and is increasingly recognised as a full-fledged security threat, particularly relevant also in the context of CSDP missions in EU partner countries
  • The evolving security landscape is characterised by increasing interplay between state and non-state actors which blurs the distinction between FIMI and domestic disinformation campaigns.  Moreover, recent Russian disinformation campaigns feed into a spillover effect across the EU. 
  • The escalating threat of FIMI and the potential for increased manipulation during the upcoming European elections necessitates a robust whole-society response. Targeted financing of tailored projects, independent journalism, strengthened support for civil society and public-private partnerships therefore play a crucial role in building resilience within democratic societies.  
  • Recognising FIMI as a global threat is a critical step towards fostering coordinated responses. The European Commission plays a leading role in mobilising resources and expertise while establishing transnational partnerships. Systematic sharing of good practices and lessons learned is central to the success of these efforts. 

The panellists included:  

  • Aude Maio Coliche, Director for Strategic Communication and Foresight, European External Action Service 
  • Jakub Kalenský, Deputy Director of COI Hybrid Influence, The European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats and Visiting Professor, College of Europe 
  • Gianni Riotta, Director, LUISS School of Journalism Data Lab Luiss/IDMO 
  • Clint Watts, General Manager, Threat Analysis Center, Microsoft

The closing remarks were delivered by Irène Mingasson, Head of Unit, Rapid Response Europe, Asia & Americas, FPI, European Commission.

A recording of the event is available to re-watch