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Position: Research Fellow (China/Asia)


V A C A N C Y   N O T I C E

ref.:  IES/ADM(2010)/31

The EU Institute for Security Studies is recruiting a Research Fellow (Grade A2/A3/A4) to begin 1st September 2010. Candidates must be nationals of one of the EU Member States.

1. Main tasks

The person appointed will participate in the Institute's study and research projects, and other activities such as publications, organisation of seminars and participation in conferences. The Institute has, as its objective, to contribute to the development of CFSP, including CSDP.

The selected candidate will be required to:

  • prepare policy-oriented analyses for the Council of the European Union and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy;
  • undertake study and research projects on foreign policy and security questions of interest to the EU, with a view to publication by the Institute or in specialised academic periodicals;
  • contribute to the planning and editing of the Institute's publications;
  • collaborate in the organisation of the Institute's seminars, task forces and meetings;
  • assist in running the Institute's various collective activities.

2. General qualifications

  • Higher degree (Master's or Doctorate), preferably in the field of political science, economics, the social sciences or regional studies;
  • Confirmed professional experience, particularly as a researcher in a university or in a public or private research centre doing work similar to that of the Institute;
  • Sound knowledge of the workings and policies of the European Union;
  • Excellent knowledge of the CFSP working languages (English and French).
  • Highly-developed sense of initiative and responsibility, and an ability to work well in a relatively small international team.

3. Specific competencies

In addition to a general knowledge of international affairs and security issues, the successful candidate will have research interests in and specialist knowledge regarding EU foreign and security policy, also with respect to the functioning of the European institutions in this area.

A good knowledge of EU-Asia relations, particularly with regard to China, and of global governance matters with an emphasis on Asia, would be an advantage.
The contract will be for a fixed term of three years, with the possibility of one extension (maximum two years).

The choice of candidates will take into account the necessity to distribute jobs, as far as possible, evenly among the nationals of the EU Member States.
Candidates should submit their applications, in either English or French, together with a detailed curriculum vitae and the names of two referees, by

9 a.m. on Monday, 31 May 2010

by e-mail to the Director of Human Resources at the email address below.

The two referees should send their recommendations, by separate e-mail, to:

Álvaro de Vasconcelos
EU Institute for Security Studies
ref: ADM(2010)/31
e-mail: DRH(at)