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The path to 2030: how will the Strategic Compass show the way on EU security and defence?

25 February 2022


On 25 February 2022, the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) organised a seminar on the EU’s Strategic Compass. Most notably, the event took stock of the early stages of Russia’s war on Ukraine and what it means for the EU’s Strategic Compass. Presentations focused on how EU security and defence could evolve in light of the war, but speakers also referred to some of the ripple effects that could require more robust and rapid EU crisis response. Most speakers agreed that the Compass comes at an opportune but dangerous period for European security.

The EUISS and ESDC welcomed speakers from the European External Action Service, the European Parliamentary Research Service, the European Commission and academia. The audience was comprised of senior EU officials and representatives from the ESDC’s alumni network, and over 70 people joined for a debate on the challenges facing European security. The event was an opportune moment to engage with the ESDC alumni network.