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Our most-read publications in 2023

08 January 2024

From European defence partnerships, EU strategy towards the Maghreb, to a maps-only volume on the future of AU-EU relations, here are our most-read publications in 2023: 

1 - Yearbook of European Security 2023

By Joel Andersson and Clara Sophie Cramer, August 2023

The 2023 Yearbook of European Security is an EUISS flagship publication that provides an overview of events in 2022 that were significant for European security – in particular, inevitably, Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

2 - Yearbook of European Security 2022

By Daniel Fiott and Linnéa Cullman, December 2022

The 2022 edition of the flagship charts major developments in the EU’s external action and security and defence policy in 2021. 

3 - European Defence Partnerships - Stronger together

By Jan Joel Andersson, March 2023

This Brief analyses EU defence cooperation with key partners and makes suggestions for how these strategic partnerships might be further tailored and enhanced, including the idea of ‘Institutional nesting’ as a way to reconcile overlapping cooperation formats.

4 - The Power Shift - The impact of the low carbon transition on the oil and gas economy

By Yana Popkostova, March 2023

In light of the energy crisis engulfing Europe and the world since autumn 2021, this Chaillot Paper examines the transformation of the global energy system and its concrete implications for the EU in terms of its energy and national security, strategic sovereignty and geopolitical ambitions.

5 - Africa Atlas - Mapping the future of the AU-EU partnership

By Giovanni Faleg, Marleen de Haan, Christian Dietrich, November 2023

Africa is experiencing a far-reaching social, economic and demographic transformation, while gaining increasing prominence in global geopolitics. To take account of these changes, this Chaillot Paper sets out to update our ‘mental map’ of the continent and zoom in on the trends and dynamics that are reshaping Africa and thus affecting its relationship with the European Union.

6 - The EU and North Africa - Lost in recalibration

By Dalia Ghanem, Adel Abdel Ghafar, Intissar Fakir, Eya Jrad and Tarek Megerisi, October 2023

This Chaillot Paper analyses the EU’s relations with five North African countries – Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. In particular, it focuses on how the fallout of the war in Ukraine as well as the ongoing migration crisis have affected relations. The volume addresses some of the perceived shortfalls in the current EU strategy towards these countries and identifies future areas of both tension and cooperation.

7 - China's Global Security Initiative - When the process matters more than the content

By Alice Ekman, March 2023

This Brief examines China’s newly unveiled Global Security Initiative (GSI) and its significance as part of a larger diplomatic offensive to advance Beijing’s strategic agenda and promote an alternative security governance architecture.

8 - Next level partnership - Bolstering EU-NATO cooperation to counter hybrid threats in the Western Balkans

By Marie Brethous, Nad’a Kovalčíková, February 2023

Hybrid attacks increasingly target the Western Balkans. This Brief examines the threats destabilising the region, and the EU’s and NATO’s cooperation to counter them.

9 - The Islamic Republic in existential crisis - The need for a paradigm shift in the EU's Iran policy

By Ali Fathollah-Nejad, June 2023

This Chaillot Paper examines the background to the protest movement in Iran, focusing on the profound crises – socio-economic, political and ecological – with which the Islamic Republic is currently grappling, as well as on the issue of gender discrimination and inequality.

10 - The New Civilian CSDP - Food for impact 

By Giovanni Faleg, Volker Jacoby, Karin Limdal, Marleen de Haan, Patrick von Rakowski, May 2023

This book presents 38 contributions from EU civilian crisis management experts, which fed into the policymaking process leading to the adoption of the new Civilian CSDP Compact in May 2023.