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Africa Atlas

Mapping the future of the AU-EU partnership
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Africa is experiencing a far-reaching social, economic and demographic transformation, while gaining increasing prominence in global geopolitics. To take account of these changes, this Chaillot Paper sets out to update our ‘mental map’ of the continent and zoom in on the trends and dynamics that are reshaping Africa and thus affecting its relationship with the European Union.

Modelled on an atlas, it presents a series of visually engaging maps, charts and graphics, to convey key messages and statistics on themes as diverse as food sovereignty, urbanisation, climate resilience, migration and mobility as well as peace and security.

Using these infographics, it aims to chart the way forward for a modern and forward-looking partnership between the African Union and the European Union. The volume looks at all areas for collaboration that were identified in the AU-EU Joint Vision for 2030, tracking the progress made and, above all, underlining the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.