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As part of its mission to find a common security culture for the EU, to help develop and project the CFSP, and to enrich Europe’s strategic debate, the Institute regularly releases publications on the topics and regions at the core of the Union's work.

The Institute’s flagship publication is its series of Chaillot Papers, which are based on focused, in-depth research. The EUISS also publishes a Yearbook (YES), Reports, and shorter Briefs.

  • 20January 2004

    Il Medio Oriente, il ruolo della Russia, le minoranze etniche oltre confine e i Balcani. Un'agenda per la Pesc che verrà. L'allargamento progressivo della Comunità prima e dell'Unione Europea poi è stato un grande successo economico e politico.

  • 20January 2004

    «Tre donne intorno al cor ...» - potrebbe essere questo il motto con cui Romano Prodi, il 1 maggio prossimo, accoglierà i nuovi commissari europei che entreranno a far parte del collegio da lui presieduto. I nuovi dieci membri dell'Unione hanno infatti diritto a nominare ciascuno un commissario, portando così la composizione del collegio a 30 membri, anche se solo fino al 1 novembre prossimo.

  • 15January 2004

    2003 was a difficult year for the EU - and so was its epilogue at the European Council held in Brussels in mid-December. Paradoxically, however, 2003 was a positive year for ESDP.

  • 01January 2004

    In the Middle East, we the Europeans should tell our transatlantic friends that American policies are not working satisfactorily. The capture of Saddam Hussein or other positive developments on the ground will not offset the overall unstable situation in Iraq.

  • 01January 2004

    A few months and a couple of Newsletters ago, we described the outcome of the European Convention as 'half full'. After the failure of the Intergovernmental Conference to finalise a constitutional treaty for the EU, the contrary seems almost inevitable: never before, in fact, has an IGC ended in failure.

  • 01January 2004

    Debate on proposals in the Constitutional Treaty to create a European Armaments, Military Capabilities and Research Agency show that national governments mostly are no longer hostile in principle to EU involvement in armaments policy.

  • 01January 2004

    Il 2003 e' stato un anno difficile per l'Unione Europea, fra crisi irachena, crisi del Patto di stabilita' per l'euro, e crisi della Conferenza Intergovernativa (CIG) che avrebbe dovuto varare la nuova "Costituzione"...

  • 01January 2004

    Depuis le début des années 1990, les gouvernements européens ont lancé de nombreuses initiatives pour renforcer leur coopération dans le domaine de l'armement. Toutes ces initiatives se sont développées en dehors du cadre de l'Union européenne (UE). En effet, les Etats membres ont traditionnellement exclu la question de l'armement du processus européen d'intégration, préférant organiser leur coopération dans d'autres forums.

  • 01January 2004

    One year after the war in Iraq, the EU is still confronted with two major challenges. The first is in Iraq itself, where the US strategy of stabilisation and democratisation is encountering dramatic setbacks. The second challenge arises from the growing terrorist threat to Western interests and citizens, as seen in the terrible attacks in Madrid on 11 March.

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    01January 2004

    This paper tries to focus on the crisis in the Middle East region in general; suggest new definition of the Middle East and divides it into five sub-regions based mainly on geography and ethnicity and finally tries to evaluate how far the CSCE-OSCE experience could serve as a model for confidence building in the region.
