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Designed as short, rapidly-produced and easily-readable publications, Alerts offered succinct responses to the most pressing external challenges facing the Union and/or brief analyses of emerging issues.

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    29April 2013

    Quatorze ans après la fin de la guerre, le récent accord du 19 avril normalise pour la première fois les relations entre la Serbie et le Kosovo. Il représente une étape décisive pour les deux parties vers l’intégration européenne et confirme également l’importance de l’action de l’UE dans la région des Balkans occidentaux.

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    08April 2013

    From social media to irregular warfare and venture capital, a new political landscape characterised by power diffusion is clearly emerging. As a result, today’s (old and new) power holders not only bear responsibility for governing their own people; in the current hyper-connected world, their actions also have global repercussions.

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    26March 2013

    On 19 March 2013 a serious allegation was made concerning the use of chemical weapons near Aleppo. In this context, how could the EU play a role that would assist not only the potential victims of chemical attacks but also the process of eliminating all non-conventional weapons in the Middle East?

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    26March 2013

    The US ‘pivot’ towards Asia has generated debate in Europe about whether the EU should upgrade its presence in the region. Yet, as this alert shows, the EU and its member states already began their own, largely undetected, rebalancing towards Asia roughly a decade ago. Does the EU now have the possibility of becoming – even inadvertently – an Asian (minor) power?

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    26March 2013

    Two years after the revolution, the Tunisian transition is in dire need of new momentum. Bogged down in endless discussions about secularism and Islamist ideologies, the government needs to address the fundamental demands of ordinary Tunisians: democracy, economic dignity, and freedom.

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    26March 2013

    After a period of relative stability and significant progress in its reform efforts, Moldovan politics has (re)entered a phase of instability, creating uncertainty about its future direction and its relationship with the EU. This notwithstanding, Moldova potentially remains the best example of a successful transformation under the Union’s Eastern Partnership.

  • 20December 2012

    In the new institutional landscape, Antonio Missiroli describes how and why the EUISS must adapt and develop in order to prove its added value by strengthening its profile as a provider of expertise and strategic analysis and becoming a hub of networking activities and debate.

  • 07December 2012

    The decison to award the European Union with the Nobel Peace Prize has both elicted praise and caused controversy. Yet rather than a reward for the present, the prize must be seen as a recognition for the past and an encouragement for the future.

  • 23November 2012

    With the seven new members of the Politburo Standing Committee (PBSC) now in place, China will need to address an array of challenges including controversial aspects of political reform. The way this ‘China 7.0’ handles these issues will undoubtedly have profound implications for the whole world.

  • 16November 2012

    With the US presidential election now over, bipartisan cooperation will be required to solve the country's domestic challenges. Yet how will the president tackle both existing and emerging foreign and security policy priorities? And what does an Obama 2.0 mean for the EU?
