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A new climate for peace
Climate change will stress the world's economic, social, and political systems. Where institutions and governments are unable to manage the stress or absorb the shocks of a changing climate, the risks to the stability of states and societies will increase. The sharpest risks emerge when the impacts of climate change overburden weak states. Climate change is the ultimate ‘threat multiplier’: it will aggravate already fragile situations and may con-tribute to social upheaval and even violent conflict. While all will feel the effects of climate change, the people in the poorest countries — and the most vulnerable groups within those countries — are the most threatened.
In places affected by fragility and conflict, people face especially challenging obstacles to successful adaptation. If they fail to adapt to the effects of climate change, the risk of instability will increase, trapping them in a vicious cycle. But even seemingly stable states can be pushed towards fragility if the pressure is high enough or the shock is too great for systems to manage peacefully. Peace and security are paramount for all of us. We all share the risks — and thus we share the responsibility for tackling them. To access the project's website and download the full report, please click here.