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Interparliamentary conference on the global partnership against the spread of weapons and materials of mass destruction
Opening Statements
Chair: MEP E Brok (European Parliament, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee) Welcome Address - Objectives of this Conference
The role of Parliaments in the G8 Global Partnership
Speaker: Member of the Italian Parliament
Setting the Scene - A perception of the WMD Threat
Speaker: K Myers (Representative of the US Congress, Senior Staff of the US Senate) The G8 Global Partnership against the spread of weapons and materials of mass destruction (Part 1)
Chair: MEP E Brok (European Parliament)
The US long standing proliferation threat reduction programmes and the way forward to the Global Partnership Initiative
Speaker: Bolton (US Deputy Secretary of State)
The G8 Global Partnership since Kananaskis
Speaker: E Lebedel (F – SGDN, Director, G8 GP Senior Official)
A global perspective of EU programmes following the Thessaloniki Council
A Giannella (Council Secretariat, Personal Representative for WMD of HR/SG Solana)
L Briet (Director CFSP, G8 GP Senior Official, European Commission). The G8 Global Partnership against the spread of weapons and materials of mass destruction (Part 2)
Chair: MEP E Brok (European Parliament)
Statements by G8 countries on their national contributions to the Global Partnership Initiative
Speaker: Zapf (Member of Parliament, Chair of the Committee on Disarmament, Non Proliferation and Arms Control)
Additional short statements
Min A Catalano (G8 GP Senior Official, Italy)
The Hon C Caccia (Chair of the CAN-EU Parliament Association)
I Downing (UK Department of Trade and Industry)
Contributions to the Global Partnership beyond the G8 countries:
Nuclear Safety in Northwest Russia : Norwegian experience and priorities
Speaker: Traavik (NW - Deputy Foreign Minister)
Additional short statements
Speaker: JJ de Dardel (MFA, Switzerland (Additional short statements Ukraine) Chemical Disarmament and Submarines Dismantlement
Chair: Bezborodov (Member of the Russian Duma (RF)
Perspectives and priorities for the Russian Federation
Amb Antonov (RF – MFA, G8 GP Senior Official)
Nikolaev (Chair of the Defense Committee of the State Duma) short statement
Reducing the Threat of Chemical Weapons
Amb Meerburg (NL - MFA)
Herden (D MFA)
Monitoring Chemical Weapons Destruction: Present Realities and Future Challenges
Speaker: Pfirter (Dir Gen of the Technical Secretariat of OPCW) Keynote Speaker: Former Senator Nunn (NTI)
During the dinner, the discussions at the tables will be animated by experts from Think/Tanks, organised jointly by CSIS and EUISS Nuclear Non Proliferation and Disarmament
Chair: Tessier (Member of the Assemblée Nationale)(F)
Reducing the Threat of Nuclear Materials Proliferation: the case of weapons plutonium released by the disarmament
Speaker: Amb Guhin (USA – DOS, Fissile Materials Negotiator)
Nuclear Verification and Nuclear Security : the role of the IAEA
Speaker: J Lodding (IAEA)
Securing Radioactive Sources
Speaker: Bamière (F – SGDN) Non Proliferation of Expertise, Export Control
Chair: Colman (Member of the UK Parliament (UK)
Tackling the non proliferation of the expertise and technology
Speaker: D Gambier (Executive Director, The International Science and Technology Center in Moscow -ISTC)
Statement on the activities of the Science and Technology Center of Ukraine
Speaker: Y Carmel (Executive Director of STCU)
Supporting the development of effective Export Control
Speaker: Oakden (UK – FCO, Senior Official for the G8 GP) Final Session : A Non Governmental Perspective and Conclusions by the Chair
Chair: MEP E Brok (D) (European Parliament) :
An Action Agenda for the Global partnership - One year after the CSIS Study
Speaker: Nicole Gnesotto (EU ISS, Director) Drawing Conclusions: MEP E Brok (D)