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Failing states and the EU’s security agenda
Opening comments
Nicole Gnesotto, EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris
Session I: What is a ‘failing state’ and when is it a security threat?
Presentation of working paper by Judy Batt and Dov Lynch
Session II: Dilemmas of state-building and civil-society promotion
What kind of political conditionality? How to secure local ‘ownership’?
Tackling dysfunctional civil societies, organised crime and ‘warlords’
Suzanne Moorehead, DFID, UK
Wim van Meurs, University of Nijmegen, NL
Eric Chevallier, SDGN, Paris
Session III: An Agenda for the EU
What can the EU do, and do better?
Aldo Ajello, EUSR for the African Great Lakes Region
Javier Nino-Perez, DG RELEX
Istvan Gyarmati, DCAF, Hungary