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European defence after 11 September
The conference dealt with a variety of questions related to a post-9/11 world. What has changed in terms of threat assessment? Are the Petersberg Tasks sufficient? How to pay for any security adjustments. The meeting was attended by academic experts and European policymakers and outlined different policy options for the EU as a result of the discussions.
Session I: What has changed? Assessing the Threats
Chair: Nicole Gnesotto (ISS-EU, Paris)
Introduction: William Hopkinson (RIIA, London)
Respondent: Thérèse Delpech (CEA, Paris)
Session II: Are the Petersberg Tasks sufficient? Adjusting the Concept
Chair: Marc Otte (Task Force ESDP, PPEWU, Secretariat-General of the EU Council, Brussels)
Introduction: Stefano Silvestri (IAI, Rome)
Respondent: Tomas Ries (National Defence College, Helsinki)
Session III: Is the Headline Goal sufficient? Adjusting Capabilities
Chair: Rafael Bardaji (Elcano, Madrid)
Introduction: Rob de Wijk (Royal Netherlands Military Academy, Breda)
Respondent: Gilles Andréani (Cour des Comptes, Paris)
Session IV: How to pay? Mobilising Resources
Chair: Nicole Gnesotto (ISS-EU, Paris)
Introduction: Joachim Rohde (SWP, Berlin)
Respondent: Tim Garden (King's College, London)