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The enlarged EU and its new neighbours: new security challenges

01 September 2003

Turkey, the Western Balkan countries, perhaps other old and new neighbours: what policies is the EU willing and able to sketch and carry out in order to ensure peace, stability, law and order and prosperity at its external borders? When it comes to future EU enlargement, should the different 'neighbourhoods' (East, South-East, and South) be considered as a whole, or should more differentiation be applied? The ISS dealt with these issues over the course of six sessions.

Welcome and opening comments
Nicole Gnesotto, (Director, EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris)

Session I: The EU’s neighbourhood policy: past, present, future
Nicole Gnesotto
Antonio Missiroli (EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris)
Wim van Meurs (CAP, Munich)
Vladimir Bilcik (Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Bratislava)

Session II: The new Eastern Dimension of the enlarged EU
Heather Grabbe (CER, London)
Dov Lynch (EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris)
Leszek Jesien (Krakow European University, Cracow)
Hanna Ojanen (The Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki)

Session III: The Balkan region between stabilisation and membership
Monika Wohlfeld (OSCE, Vienna)
Dimitrios Triantaphyllou (EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris)
Misha Glenny (Political Commentator, Brighton) Reception
Keynote speech:
Toomas Hendrik Ilves (former Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tallinn)

Session IV: The 13th candidate: Turkey
Nicole Gnesotto (EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris)
Dimitrios Triantaphyllou (EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris)
Soli Özel (Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul)
Alessandro Missir di Lusignano (DG Enlargement, European Commission, Brussels)

Session V: The new Mediterranean dimension
Simon Fraser (Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London)
Martin Ortega (EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris)
Ersèbet N. Rózsa (Teleki László Institute, Budapest)
Alvaro Vasconcelos (IEEI, Lisbon)

Session VI: Implications for CFSP/ESDP and coherence with other EU policies
Nicole Gnesotto
Judy Batt (EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris)
Kai-Olaf Lang (SWP, Berlin)